Published February 17, 2024
By Michael V. Wilson
O bloody city, on the banks of the Potomac, like other cities before you, you have turned your back on the Lord and His Christ, committing sin upon sin, shedding blood and causing others to shed it likewise, committing usury, proclaiming righteous what God has said is unrighteous, celebrating ugly fornication of all kinds, making idols for yourself to worship, promoting violence, establishing fraud and lies as the currency of the realm, ignoring the ancient borders, creating widows, destroying the innocent to praise the guilty; your hypocrisy knows no bounds as you revel in lawlessness while declaring yourself white as snow. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you are not guiltless. Nineveh, before Jonah preached against it, was a mere babe in sin beside you; Sodom and Gomorrah never praised unholy unions between men and men and between women and women as do you. Your leaders bathe with their daughters, preparing a path to the lewdness of Lot, while their sons traffic with harlots then, wipe their mouths and say, “I have done no wrong.”; the inner rooms of your capital are dens of iniquity with sins of the flesh displayed for all the world to see; you grant divorces for any and every reason, shattering the bond God consecrated, making harlots of the women and fornicators of the men; your officers and princes steal children’s youth, urging them to become that which they are not and can never be, thereby setting them on course to Hell. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, your courts are corrupt and the officers therein persecute the innocent, ignoring written laws of men as well as the protections granted by God to prevent such evil; instead, you pervert the law, straining at gnats to keep the guilty from the consequences of their sin, setting them free to once more oppress the righteous. Fraud is celebrated as holy, commanding men to follow suit on penalty of harsh fines or imprisonment, while honest dealing is sneered at, derided, and punished without cause; thieves are let loose before the sun sets on their crimes and any who dare protest are imprisoned in their place; your judges applaud violence in the streets as long as it targets the guiltless. God sees the heart but you, O bloody city, you and your corrupt sisters excuse even murder based on skin color or, impute it where none exists if you claim the colors are wrong. Power is your heart’s desire and to keep it you use the courts to fashion new crimes where none abide so you can persecute those you hate. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you profane the Sabbath, turn from the Commandments, reject salvation from Jesus, and play the harlot with foreign gods; you pray to power, bow down to money, worship immoral laws, and preen before your own reflection in Satan’s mirror; you explain away the empty tomb, create new holy days after your own image, and devour those who object. You celebrate wickedness by indulging yourself with pomp and pageantry, excusing excess as normal, condemning restraint as old-fashioned; you create money from nothing and spend it as a drunkard; you live for the applause of men, ignoring the grace and mercy offered by God. You think you are wise but you are foolish, sacrificing children to your false gods, making them pass under the surgeon’s blade to deny them life or mutilate their bodies beyond recognition, beating the drums of pride to drown out the sound of their screams. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you make war on God, doing everything in your power to overthrow God, deride Him, and cast Him behind you. You dare stand in place of God, claiming to be God, taking more in taxes than the tithe owed to God. Christians are your enemy, as are the Children of Abraham. You applaud those who attack the godly then condemn, arrest, and imprison them when they dare defend themselves; you sneer at their beliefs, prayers, psalms, and parables; worse yet, you attempt by every subterfuge to rewrite their books and scrolls to promote your false gods and customs. You demand the Children of Abraham make peace with those whose only desire is to kill them and secretly you desire to do the same to Christians, whom you despise. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you sing hallelujah for plagues and disease in order to accumulate unjust power to your bosom; power to imprison, power to destroy the just, power to make secret laws to despoil the helpless, power to keep children from school, power to command what medicines people may or may not take, power to fill the streets with violence, power to close churches and synagogues, and power to create a nation of slaves under false color of authority. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you and your evil sisters ignore the ancient boundaries, throwing the gates wide for multitudes who hate God and His only begotten Son, foreigners for whom laws have no meaning, who traffic in violence and rape, who bring drugs which steal purity, honesty, and goodness from the heart and mind. You welcome Muslims dedicated to a false god that demands they use terror, bloodshed, and rapine as tools of war against the Cross and the Children of Abraham, castigating any who protest or raise alarm. You rejoice in ravenous hordes who invade the land, demanding support from heavy taxes you extract by force and threat of force from the righteous, requiring them to pay for their own destruction then, pillory those who stand opposed to that destruction at the hands of lawless aliens and doom the blameless with false charges and accusations. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, you start wars and rumors of wars around the globe, but eviscerate and hollow out your own army with lies, deceit, and commands of unholiness until it is weakened and powerless against any enemy. You heap up soldier’s widows as refuse and ignore their desperate pleas; you scorn honor, therefore mighty men full of honor and valor are departing, taking their strength with them, leaving behind tottering simpletons filled with fear who will flee the sound of battle. You praise enemies, making common cause with them, but threatening allies and neutral countries with an army like a paper tiger, whose engines of war are old, falling to rack and ruin as you substitute fornication and evil in place of training and repair. Therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!
O bloody city, your wickedness has become so obvious and self-evident that no prophet is needed to declare it; therefore, the written Word of God condemns you!