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An Educational Proposal

Published March 9, 2024

Michael V Wilson
By Michael V. Wilson

By now, any thinking person has to admit that the educational “system” in America is broken, many say, irretrievably. Children aren’t being educated in anything except hating America, God, white people, equality (equity is completely different), free speech for all, all lives matter, truth, justice, and the American way. Meanwhile, Reading, Writing, and R’ithmetic have gone by the wayside; they’re racist doncha know. History is being rewritten and re-taught to be “inclusive” which is to say, exclusive of anyone or anything good and decent. Perverts with orange, blue, or pink hair are openly attempting to turn our children homosexual, gender fluid, non-human (furries), or just plain creepy. There’s no point in trying to cover it all, you can probably add to the list on your own.

3-groups-overlappingAfter a certain point, preaching to the choir becomes redundant, so let’s not. Instead, we should focus on solutions, fixing the problem instead of bemoaning it. This is where we run into a sticky wicket because due to the independent nature of Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans (three different groups who sometimes overlap), it’s difficult to come to an agreement on a common solution that’s acceptable to all. Democrats are much more likely to come to an agreement and march in lockstep to accomplish their goals because hive-mind Communism comes naturally to them. Debates are only necessary for Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans in order to iron out their differences.

Therefore, allow me to present, and explain, an educational proposal that might solve the education problems in America. It’s not perfect but it has a better chance of succeeding than anything else that’s been proposed and something with greater than even a 50% chance of success is better than anything with a 0% chance of success, no matter how good it sounds.

0% Chance

All the current proposals for fixing the education system in America start with a top-down approach, such as fixing, reforming, or eliminating the Department of Education (ED). That approach, while laudable in nature, is destined to fail as even Ronald Reagan, elected and sworn into office less than two years after the ED was created by Congress in 1979, wasn’t able to get rid of it, despite campaigning on that very subject. Godless Leftists will fight tooth-and-nail to oppose any such effort. Their communist nature, completely intolerant of any deviation in the ranks, ensures they’ll all vote the same way, whereas Republicans, seduced by phrases such as “bipartisanship” or “reaching across the aisle”, will always have a few traitors in their midst who’ll vote against the best interests of their own constituents. Lately, it’s been more than a few but that’s a topic for another day.

Not only is Congressional action extremely doubtful, the Mafia Media will come out in full-throated defense of the ED, claiming it’s “for the children” despite it being really only for the employees as well as their own virtue signaling. One can only imagine the videos/pictures of AOC, Alexandria Occasional Cortex, weeping on camera outside a school or something. Additionally, the teachers unions will ruthlessly defend the ED since they depend on it for their money, power, and privileges.

Greater Than 50% Chance

If the top-down approach is destined to failure, the only other option is a bottom-up approach. However, organizing, protesting, writing cards and letters to Congress, your state legislature, or suing in court are all useless. Attending school board meetings won’t work either, unless you feel like getting arrested. Therefore, a new approach must eschew any and all governmental entanglements.

Parents in each school district in America must circulate a petition to collect enough signatures to put a measure on the local ballot of their particular school district to outlaw public schools and the property taxes that pay for them. It should state that the only schools allowed to exist in that school district should be home schools, church schools, and private schools without any government regulation regarding educational content and free from any government control, financing, or registration requirements. Finally, it should also state that violating this measure shall be punishable by no less that 20 years in prison, because they won’t learn if it doesn’t hurt.

Since this measure will be considered “extreme” by those who insist on controlling our children, there’s not a political organization in America who’ll be willing to help collect the signatures needed to put it on the ballot. That means parents will have to be the ones to put in the hours necessary to collect signatures. It’s a long, tiresome process. If you’ve ever gone canvasing for signatures for a ballot measure, you know what I mean. Buy a good pair of shoes! Furthermore, they should only collect signatures in the school district where their own children attend school, thus they’ll know their efforts will directly affect their own kids, encouraging them to grit their teeth and see it through.

While schools are required to take money, and so-called “guidance” from the ED, nothing from the ED mandates the existence of those schools. Once a school is outlawed by local voters, there is nothing left for the ED to send money or “guidance” to.

Property taxes, particularly those for public schools, never go down, only up. This measure would eliminate those property taxes that were imposed to support schools, providing immediate relief for tax payers in each district that passes it and well as incentivizing other property owners in the district, such as grocery stores, apartment complexes, restaurants, gas stations, and various retailers to support it.

Such a measure, passed district by district across the U.S., will dilute Leftist attempts to fight against it, forcing them to spread themselves thin across the country as well as requiring them to micro-target the specific school districts where the measure is on the ballot. They’ll have more money to spend than the parents but parents, motivated by a fierce protectiveness of their children, will fight back with such passion as to give new meaning to the poem by William Blake:

Tyger, Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

Parents will show no mercy when their children are at stake. Forget mama bears, watch out for tigers!

Suggested Wording for Measure

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are failing to adequately teach reading, writing, arithmetic, history, biology, and American civics, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are teaching immoral values opposed by parents, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are acting in loco parentis without notifying parents or obtaining permission from them on controversial subjects, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are hiding and/or encouraging student behavior that is contrary to parent’s wishes, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are actively treating or defining parents as terrorists or criminals for raising their children in accordance with their own lifestyles, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are threatening parents with arrest or ruinous lawsuits for defending or attempting to defend their children from the school district, and;

WHEREAS public schools in (school district) are doing all these things and more with funding taken from property taxes in this district and can no longer be trusted with any of those monies or responsibilities, We the People of (school district) hereby declare that;

(a) All public schools, colleges, and universities in (school district) financed by taxpayer money shall be outlawed and all property taxes in this district, levied for the benefit or funding of said public schools, shall be rescinded, effective immediately.

(b) The only schools, colleges, and universities allowed in (school district) shall be home schools, church schools, or private schools without any government regulation regarding educational content and free from any government control, financing, or registration requirements, effective immediately.

(c) Government funding of any kind in (school district), including student loans and/or loan guarantees shall be outlawed effective immediately.

(d) Any attempt to circumvent this measure or amend it, or to reinstate, recreate, or build new public schools in (school district) shall be punishable by twenty (20) years in prison without possibility of executive clemency, effective immediately.

(e) At 8am on the day after passage of this measure, the City in which (school district) resides shall shall demolish all the school buildings and school buses in (school district) along with all their contents by burning them to the ground. If the City refuses to perform its duty under this measure, all the citizens who live in (school district) shall immediately be authorized to demolish by burning all the schools and school buses in this district. The City employees or officers who refused to do their duty, shall be charged under Section (d) of this measure. Any City employees or officers who attempt to interfere with citizens demolishing by burning the schools and school buses shall be charged under Section (d) of this measure.

(f) We the People of (school district) withdraw the delegation of our Powers to amend or overturn laws or ballot measures from any Court having jurisdiction over (school district) as those Powers relate to this measure. The Court(s) shall be forbidden to amend or overturn this measure on any grounds, otherwise they shall be charged under Section (d) of this measure, effective immediately.

Explanation of Measure

The first three sections of this measure are largely self-explanatory but the last three may need some additional illustration to clear up any confusion.

One of the most frustrating aspects of the current political climate in America is the plethora of activist groups and their constant lawfare against all reasonable attempts to rein and stop the over-instrusive actions of the Deep State. Activist judges routinely overturn the will of the people, substituting their own values for the values of the people, faceless bureaucrats issue unconstitutional decrees and regulations with the force of law behind them to override any attempt by the people to run their own lives and protect their own children, and Soros-funded District Attorney’s – straining out gnats and swallowing camels – search out the smallest article of law and apply it to the innocent as if they were Frankenstein monsters who need to be stamped out of existence to “save Democracy”. Therefore, harsh, even draconian measures need to be taken in self-defense in order to push back against those attempting to control and shackle us and our children.

Section (d), mandating a twenty-year prison sentence for anyone attempting to circumvent this measure in any way, shape, or form, is basically a defensive measure and is the only way to stop them.

For example; when a puppy pees or poops inside the house, what do you do? Do you scold him and tell him not to do it again? Of course, not. It won’t do any good. Instead, you rub his nose in it, spank him, and put him outside. You keep doing it every time until he gets tired of being spanked and learns not to do it anymore. Another example; when a child disobeys their parents, simply talking to them won’t accomplish anything, they have to be spanked or they’ll just keep on disobeying. As Proverbs 13:24 reminds us, “He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.” The same logic applies here; in order to prevent out-of-control Leftists from destroying our children, we have to make the punishment so severe that they fear the consequences of their actions. In other words, they won’t learn if it doesn’t hurt.

Section (e) is another self-defense section, aiming at thwarting any lawfare attempt to stay the implementation of this measure. Leftist activists, upon reading the text of this measure and watching to their utter horror and outrage as it passes, will be standing outside the courthouse bright and early the next morning, paperwork in hand, to demand an activist judge stay this measure and continue sending our children to public schools while the measure is “adjudicated” to death. We’ve seen it happen over and over again around the country, so we know the Leftists will try it again with this measure too. However, if the schools and school buses are immediately demolished by being burned to the ground along with all their contents, judges can issue any orders they want but it won’t do any good if there aren’t any schools for our children to attend. Even an activist judge can’t demand people go somewhere that doesn’t exist. As an added bonus, compulsory attendance laws already on the books can’t be applied to non-existent schools either.

We can also be reasonably certain that various cities won’t follow this new law (when it passes) because they’ll be waiting for a judge, any judge, to put a stay on the law, therefore the citizens who live in the school district are empowered to enforce the law by doing the demolition by burning themselves. Furthermore, Section (e) threatens any police or firemen with prosecution if they attempt to interfere or prevent the demolition by burning. Many police and firemen are good people, but under pressure from the city that signs their paychecks, they will probably intervene unless some countervailing motivation is strong enough to stop them. Section (e) provides them with that countervailing motivation – twenty years in prison if they do it. The threat of prison would also apply to any Mayor or City employees who ordered the police to intervene, giving them pause before issuing any such order. Again, they won’t learn if it doesn’t hurt.

Section (f) puts a cap on activist judge’s efforts by reminding them that all their powers were delegated to them by We the People, often referred to as the “consent of the governed.” We can, and should, withdraw our consent from any branch of government that becomes destructive of the ends for which that government was established. The power of judicial review has increasingly been used over the last few decades to overturn the will of the people and impose the ideas and wishes of an unelected, self-appointed “elite” who oppose anything we plebs want. Section (f) threatens any judge who is inclined to rule against this measure or order its implementation to be stayed, forcing them to bet their personal future on the outcome of being charged with a crime that carries a penalty of twenty years in prison. It’s uncharted territory and that’s always a scary place, especially for judges who have a comfortable life. Do they want to take a chance on the legality of Section (f) being upheld by some other, higher and more conservative judge? Is it worth taking that chance? To be blunt, it’s designed to put the fear of God in them, reminding us that, once again, they won’t learn if it doesn’t hurt.

One last word on the ballot measure itself. I’m not a legal analyst or a lawyer. There may be better, more effective ways to word this measure. I have no quarrel with any such efforts. I only offer this wording as a starting point to help parents who are fed up with the public schools undercutting their authority over their own children and subverting their morals and values.

Political Strategy

If parents in only 50 school districts, or more, in America, out of 13,318 regular school districts, were to put such a measure on their local ballot it would drive control-freak Leftists out of their minds and splinter their efforts to oppose them at the same time. Divide-and-conquer is one of the oldest tricks in the book, one Leftists excel at. Let’s use their own tactics against them.

The more individual ballot measures they have to fight on a small granular level, state-by-state, the harder it will be for them to defeat all of them. Existing election laws in different states will present a confusing web of obstacles to them, preventing them from coming up with an effective national strategy to fight dozens or hopefully hundreds of local measures in dozens of different states. And every measure that passes will present additional hoops they’ll have to jump through to fight them, again, depending on what state they’re in.

Finally, every ballot measure that passes in every state can be held up as one more example to other parents around the country that yes, you can have a say in your children’s future and no, the government agencies, bureaucrats, Leftists, unions, and debauched teachers can’t stop you.

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